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Men and Women in Armenian Media 2014

Men-Women in Media_2014Project manager: Nina Iskandaryan
Authors of the report: Hrant Mikaelyan, Tatevik Sargsyan
Monitoring team: Syuzi Artelyan, Norayr Iskandaryan, Tatevik Sargsyan
Date published: February 2014

The goal of this media monitoring was to assess to what extent and in which ways Armenian media and journalists cover men and women, gender roles and relations.
The project envisaged two rounds of media monitoring conducted a year apart in order to enable tracking of changes and assessment of tendencies. The first round of monitoring was conducted in autumn 2012. The present report presents the results of the second round of media monitoring, conducted in October-November 2013.



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The 2013 Yerevan Municipal Election Campaign in Online Media Coverage

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Date published: May 2013

The goal of the study was to assess the impact that on-line media have on voters’ perceptions and knowledge during electoral processes in Armenia, and specifically, to see if the coverage of the municipal election campaign in on-line media enabled voters to make an informed choice. To achieve this, we monitored the media coverage of the municipal election campaign in online media.

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Men and Women in Armenian Media 2012

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Authors: Nina Iskandaryan, Hrant Mikaelian, Tatev Sargsyan
Research team: Khachatur Najaryan, Hrant Mikaelian, Tatev Sargsyan
Date published: February 2013

The goal of the study was to assess to what extent and in which ways Armenian media and journalists cover men and women, gender roles and relations. The study was focused on television and online media as the types of media from which Armenians get most of their information. In the internet, the analysis is based on news websites and online versions of printed media, while on television, the main stress is on news and talk shows.

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The Nationalist Discourse in Armenia

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Author: Hrant Mikaelian
Research team: Ani Harutyunyan, Johnny Melikyan, Luiza Galanteryan
Editor: Nina Iskandaryan
Date published: June 2011

In this paper, we present the results of a study implemented by the Caucasus Institute from December 2010 to April 2011, with support from the South Caucasus Bureau of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Think Tank Fund of Open Society Foundations.

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Armenia and Armenians, Turkey and Turks in Armenian Media


Author: Hrant Mikaelian
Editor: Nina Iskandarian
Research team: Ani Haroutyunyan, Ella Karagullyan, Arshaluys Mghdesyan, Johnny Melikyan, Arkady Movsessyan (data collect and processing)
Date published: April 2010

In this publication, we present the results of a project implemented by the Caucasus Institute with the support of the UNDP from January until March 2010. The aim of the project was to see how Armenia and Armenians, on one hand, and Turkey and Turks, on the other, were presented in the media coverage of the ongoing Armenia-Turkey rapprochement.

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Turkey-Armenia Dialogue Series: Breaking the Vicious Circle

Tesev – Caucasus Institute Joint Report. 2009, Tesev Publications, – 20 p.
By Aybars Gorgulu, Sabiha Senyucel Gundogar, Alexander Iskandaryan, Sergey Minasyan

Printed by: Artpres
Prepared for printing by: Myra

ISBN 978-605-5832-08-7

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Tolerance in Armenian Mass Media: Television Monitoring

Screenshot 2014-10-13 14.18.38Author: Evelina Gyulkhandanyan
Date published: February 2009

The UNDP project on Tolerance in the Armenian Media: Pilot Monitoring implemented by the Caucasus Institute Foundation aimed at studying tolerance in Armenian mass media. The main objectives of the project were to develop a tolerance assessment tool for Armenian media, to reveal the most burning tolerance-related issues reflected in mass media, to raise the awareness of both the society and mass media to tolerance issues, and to encourage society to reflect on them.

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Tolerance in Armenian Mass Media: Print and Electronic Media Monitoring

Tolerance online_2009

Author: Evelina Gyulkhandanyan
Date Published: 2009

The major objectives of the project have been to develop a tolerance assessment tool for Armenian media, to reveal the most burning tolerance-related issues reflected in mass media, to raise the awareness of both the society and mass media to tolerance issues, and to encourage the society to reflect on this problem.

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Georgian-Armenian Expert Forum on Samtskhe-Javakheti



Date published: March 2008

This implementation report was carried out by Caucasus Media Institute and the Caucasus Institute for Peace Democracy and Development. It represents the main findings of the Georgian-Armenian forum. Namely, the main focus is on the main problems that may bring about a conflict in the region. The report includes a list of information towards peacеful settlement of the problem in line with the needs of local population.

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Quality of Armenian TV and Radio Media

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Authors: Nvard Melkonyan, Anna Zhamakochyan, Evelina Gyulkhandanyan
Date published: January 2007

The report presents the findings of the media monitoring carried out from June to July 2006. It summarizes the results of the third phase, including data analysis of radio and TV news monitoring on May-June 2006. Such aspects of media as the accuracy of the published information, news actuality, transparency and efficacy have received the lion share of the study.

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2003_Parliamentary elections guide

Parliamentary Elections in Armenia 2003

Elections Guide
Edited by Nina Iskandaryan and Ruben Meloyan, CMI, Yerevan, 2003 – 122 p.
Team: Ruzanna Amiraghyan, Arsen Artashesyan, Diana Hakobyan, Anna Karagulyan, Galust Nanyan, Mher Sharoyan, Araks Tadevosyan
Design by David Hakobian
Photo by Haik Bianjan

ISBN 99930-890-2-8

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