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Policy papers and briefs

The Current Situation with Media Audience Measurements in Armenia and Its Impact on The Quality of Public Information: The Perspective of The Private Sector


In the framework of an initiative by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) to engage the Armenian private sector in combatting disinformation, the CI studied ways in which the situation with media audience measurements on the Armenian media advertising market affects media quality and the spread of mis/disinformation, and how the private sector can contribute to positive changes.

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Georgia’s hypothetical neutrality: a regional perspective

Author: Alexander Iskandaryan Published by: Institute for Security Policy (ISP) in Vienna Issue: Fall 2019

“Regional actors, including Georgia, do not view Georgia’s potential neutral status as merely its way of positioning itself in the international arena, but as a contextually determined opportunity, however hypothetical, for Georgia to normalize its ties with Russia”. CI Director Alexander Iskandaryan’s article on “Georgia’s Hypothetical Neutrality. A Regional Perspective” was published by the Institute for Security Policy (ISP) in Vienna.

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The Velvet Revolution in Armenia: How to Lose Power in Two Weeksfront_cover

Author: Alexander Iskandaryan Published in: Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization Issue: Fall 2018

The leading American scientific journal on post-Soviet space Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization‘s October issue published CI Director Alexander Iskandaryan’s article on The Velvet Revolution in Armenia. 

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Media coverage of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh

ԱնանունAuthor: Hrant Mikaelian, Nina Iskandaryan Date: March 2018

Armenia still falls short of international standards of press freedom. The best that can be said about its media is that it is pluralistic, and, by regional standards, sustainable (see Media Sustainability Index by IREX). With the growing popularity of online media as a source of information, trust towards mass media remains low, with less than a third of the population trusting media and over a third, distrusting it, according to the CRRC Caucasus Barometer data. While there is no consistent quantitative data on the media of Nagorno-Karabakh, there is anecdotal evidence, corroborated by the data of this study, that it combines the shortcomings of Armenian media with issues typical for an unrecognized entity in the midst of a half-frozen ethnopolitical conflict (self-censorship, societal pressure, international isolation, shortage of resources, poor access to education etc.).

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Perceptions of Prerequisites for Long-term Peace in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh

ԱնանունAuthor: Hrant Mikaelian Date: March 2018

In the lack of a breakthrough in peace negotiations, tensions in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh have been growing since the early 2000s, reaching their peak in April 2016. Media discourses and political campaigning in Armenia and Azerbaijan reflect ongoing deterioration of interethnic relations. A study conducted in 2017 by the Caucasus Institute with support from the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund aimed to collect and consolidate data on attitudes, perceptions and visions of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and its resolution prospects among the civil society, expert community and general population of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

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Societal Perceptions of the Conflict in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh


Author: Hrant Mikaelian Editors: Nina Iskandaryan, Liana Avetisyan Date published: 2017

This policy paper is part of a project on Engaging society and decision-makers in dialogue for peace over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict implemented by the Caucasus Institute with support from the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund. The project is aimed at reducing internal vulnerabilities created by unresolved conflicts and inter-ethnic tension, and increasing the space for constructive dialogue on conflict resolution, creating capacities and incentives for stakeholders in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh for resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, reconciliation and peace-building.

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The 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the context of modernity 

Author: Alexander Iskandaryan

Editors: Hrant Mikaelyan, Nina Iskandaryan

There were big expectations in Armenia from the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The 100th anniversary was perceived as an independent and important event that had the capacity to change the attitude towards Armenia and the Genocide itself in the whole world. In addition, the anniversary was viewed as an opportunity to drive attention not only towards the history of the Armenian Genocide but also towards the context and the problems of the Armenian-Turkish relations (or their absence, to be more precise) as well as to the fact that Turkey is blocking many processes connected with Armenia. 

Yerevan, December 2015


Elections during Armistice: 2015 Parliamentary Elections in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

Title page_policy brief_5_engAuthor: Masis Mayilian Editors: Hrant Mikaelyan, Nina Iskandaryan Date: May 2015

On May 3, 2015 the sixth elections to National Assembly were held in the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic. The 2015 elections to National Assembly of NKR of the sixth convocation were based on a new Electoral Code (EC) which had been brought in line with international standards, approved by the parliament on October 29, 2014 and signed by the president on November 18, 2014.

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Migration of Population of Armenia: Economic Factors

Title page_policy brief_3_engAuthor: Hrant Mikaelyan Editors: Sergey Minasyan, Nina Iskandaryan Date: March 2015

According to academic and social narratives, there are different reasons inducing migration, including political, economic, social and cultural factors. However, the timeline of biggest migration waves shows that the very economic factors mostly affect migration; increase of migration figures is detected during the periods of economic crises. This study will examine the interdependence between the economic factors and migration.

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Armenia and Eurasian Union: From Cooperation to Integration

Screenshot-2015-23-03-10.03.55.pngAuthor: Johnny Melikyan Editors: Hrant Mikaelyan, Nina Iskandaryan Date: February 2015

The February Policy Brief dedicates to one of the most important themes of external politics of Armenia – its integration in the Eurasian Economic Union, which started functioning from January 1, 2015.

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Armenia in the Context of the Ukrainian Crisis: a New Finlandization?

Screenshot-2015-03-01-19.56.07Author: Sergey Minasyan Editors: Hrant Mikaelyan, Nina Iskandaryan Date: January 2015

The Ukrainian crisis has created a drastically new political situation, reflecting not only the history of the last decades of the former Soviet Union, but possibly the whole path of global politics since the Cold War on a global scale. Not a single political process, no corner of the former Soviet Union has managed to evade the effect of the Ukrainian events and precedents. This policy brief analyses implications of the Ukrainian crisis for the rest of the Post-Soviet space.

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The Silent Guns of August: Why the Karabakh War Has Not Begun Anew

Screenshot 2014-10-28 12.25.07Author: Sergey Minasyan Editors: Hrant Mikaelyan, Nina Iskandaryan Date: September 2014, 7 p.

The policy brief analyses the clashes that took place in early August 2014 along the military contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and the borderline between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The policy brief offers an explanation of this fact within the paradigm of deterrence in the conflict zone, and discusses the potential impact of the clashes on the military and diplomatic confrontation.

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Pre-Election Promises of Political Parties: Elections to the Parliament of Armenia on May 6, 2012

Screenshot 2014-10-13 14.16.06Authors: Hrant Mikaelyan, Tatev Sargsyan, Nina Iskandaryan Date:May 2012, 10 p.

This study targets programs of different political parties published online and printed within the framework of the campaign for parliamentary election in May, 2012. The goal was to assess whether the Armenian voter had the opportunity to make an informed choice in the election based on the parties’ promises and their media coverage.

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