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Working Papers

The Second Karabakh War, or the First Post-Post-Soviet WarTitle_eng

Author: Alexander Iskandaryan
Date published: 2020

The Institute for Security Policy (ISP) in Vienna has published the working paper “The Second Karabakh War, or the First Post-Post-Soviet War”, authored by Alexander Iskandaryan, CI Director.

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Mythmaking operation. What has Russia lost because of the second war in KarabakhTitle_eng

Author: Alexander Iskandaryan
Date published: 2020

The Carnegie Moscow Center has published an analytical article by Alexander Iskandaryan, the director of the Caucasus Institute, on the configuration that was formed in the South Caucasus as a result of the Second Karabakh war.

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South Caucasus: glocalization of the pandemicTitle_eng

Authors: Alexander Iskandaryan, Hrant Mikaelyan
Date published: 2020

An authoritative interdisciplinary publication “International Analytics” has published the article entitled “South Caucasus: glocalization of the pandemic”. The authors are Alexander Iskandaryan, Director of the Caucasus Institute and Hrant Mikaelyan, Research Fellow at the Caucasus Institute.

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Mock Parliament ToolkitTitle_eng

Authors: Nina Iskandaryan, Gor Petrosyan, Armine Sahakyan, Liana Avetisyan
Date published: 2019

This is a toolkit for planning, organizing and implementing a Mock Parliament – a parliament simulation
game. The toolkit relies on practical experience: in winter 2018-2019, the Caucasus Institute designed
and conducted a Mock Parliament simulation game in Jermuk, Armenia with support from a Department of State Public Affairs Section grant.

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Self-Employment, Micro and Small Business in Armenia. Emerging Culture of Entrepreneurship


Author: Hrant Mikaelian

Date published: 2017

The objective of this research is to fill this existing gap. It aims to assess and evaluate Armenia’s small and micro-entrepreneurship, its financial state of affairs and the quality of the regulatory environment in which the business operates – Armenia’s business culture, which is an important component for the success of the emerging business. The main source for the study is the data gathered from a survey that was conducted within this project with 600 entrepreneurs and self-employed. In addition to the survey data, the external sources were used to bring the data into the context, strengthen argumentation and add international comparisons to the study.

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Development and Diversity: the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Armenian Diaspora at the Present Stage


Author: Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan
Editor: Hrant Mikaelian
Date published: May 2017

Recently the potential of diaspora as a socioeconomic and political instrument of development in small countries is gaining more importance, however, the activities of diaspora not always bring about required dynamics of socioeconomic development. In the framework of this working paper the author tackles the issue of the Armenian Diaspora’s heterogeneity, its geographic diversity and historical cleavages, and possible ways of using the Diaspora’s potential for socioeconomic development of Armenia.


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The Political System of Azerbaijan and Its Dependence on Energy Resources

14721565_697309997111541_5719730574024632719_nAuthor: Armen Manvelyan
Date published: November 2016

The goal of this paper was to give a general review of Azerbaijan’s oil and gas sector, its influence on economic system and the role of Sofaz in economic and political system of the country. In addition, it also touches upon perspectives of Azerbaijan’s economic and political development under possible continuation of low oil prices.


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The Economic Dimension of Cooperation between Armenia and Georgia: Facing New Challenges and Opportunities


Author: Various
Date published: 2015

This publication is the result of the Second Armenian-Georgian Expert Forum held in Yerevan on February 26-27, 2015 with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in the framework of a joint project of the Caucasus Institute in Yerevan, Armenia and the Republican Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia. The publication contains papers by Georgian and Armenian experts on the prospects of economic cooperation between Armenia and Georgia in view of their integration into different economic unions

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Armenia and Georgia in the Context of Current Political Developments. New Challenges and Opportunities in the Realm of Regional Security

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Author: Various

Date published: 2015

This publication is the result of the first conference of The Armenian-Georgian Expert Forum, a joint project of the Caucasus Institute in Yerevan, Armenia and the Republican Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia, The conference was held in Tbilisi on December 5-6, 2014 with support from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

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Ethnic Stereotypes in International Communication: Assessments and Self-Assessments

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Author: Bagrat Harutyunyan

Date published: 2013
By: Caucasus Media Institute

The study was conducted based on the materials of networks forums. It touches upon the problem of stereotypes existent in the process of international communication. The object of the study is the relationship between Armenians and Azerbaijanis.


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Assessing Women’s and Men’s (Gender) Interests in Community Planning

gender mainstreaming_2014-10-29 17.30.54
Date published: 2013

A manual designed for gender trainers. The study represents a sample of community planning where both men’s and women’s interests are taken into account.


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Turkey-Armenia Dialogue Series: Assessing the Rapprochement Process

Working paper, 2010, Tesev Publications, 28p.
By Aybars Gorgulu, Alexander Iskandaryan, Sergey Minasyan

Printed by Printcenter
Layout by Myra

ISBN 978-605-5832-38-4

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The European Community and the Development of Armenia

European community_JitskeAuthor: Jitske Hoogenboom
Date published: 2003
By: Caucasus Media Institute

The paper analyses a range of political, humanitarian and development initiatives by the European Union in Armenia following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Within the framework of the study a brief description is provided regarding various aspects of EU-Armenian cooperation.


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Cooperation in the Sphere of Development of the South Caucasus Region

Coopin SC_rus_2014-10-29 17.32.57Author: Lasha Bakradze
Date published: 2003

The study sheds light upon the problem of the development of the South Caucasus and particularly Georgia in the context of international cooperation. It also analyses the strategy and logic of the biggest donors functioning in Georgia such as the EU, World Bank, IMF and so on.


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Migrations in the Caucasus

Coopin SC_rus_2014-10-29 17.32.57Editor: A. Iskandarian
Date published: 2003
Photo by: David Tolpin

Design by Matit

The volume includes papers presented at the International Conference on Migrations in the Caucasus held at the Caucasus Media Institute. The authors are well-known experts on migration, social, political and national studies from Russia and the countries of the South Caucasus.

ISBN 99930-78-30-1

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