31/4 Charents St, Yerevan 0025
(010) 540631

Core Institutional Support

Project Name: CI Core Institutional Support

Funded by: Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), Think Tank Fund (TTF-OSI)

Project period: April 2002 – October 2012

Since its establishment the CI has received institutional support from the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency insuring the independence and sustainability of the Caucasus Institute.

Over the years of funding, the CI has matured both as an educational institution and as a policy think tank engaged in research and advocacy. With its small team and flexible formats, it has been engaging in various types of projects involving education, professional training, research, expertise, communication and advocacy.

The CI has become one of the focal organizations in many areas, including Armenian-Turkish civil society rapprochement and regional conflict transformation in the South Caucasus.

Institutional funding from Think Tank Fund from 2010 till 2012 allowed consolidating the research, debates and advocacy activities at CI and its gradual transformation into a full-fledged think-tank. 

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