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Diaspora, Migrations and Minorities

This theme is devoted to the study of Armenian diaspora, migration and minorities. The Caucasus Institute has carried out the following initiatives within the framework of this theme.

  • Armenian Diaspora: Essays on Sociocultural Typology. The volume is the result of a joint study by two scholars Viktor Dyatlov, an expert on Diaspora theory, and Eduard Melkonian, an expert on the history of the Armenian Diaspora. The study  looks at the phenomenon of Diasporas based on a case study of the Armenian Diaspora. Relying on vast historical and sociological data, the authors analyze in detail the emergence of the Armenian Diaspora, its development and the functioning of Armenian communities in various countries of the world. The volume is intended both for scholars specializing on Diaspora studies and for the general reader.
  • Diaspora, Oil and Roses. What Makes the Countries of the South Caucasus Live. The research was originally published in Russian with the support of Heinrich Boll Foundation in 2005. It looks at the domestic political developments of the countries in the South Caucasus. The research was carried out by academicians from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The volume includes such themes as security, elections, media, nation-building, economics, corruption and gender problems.
  • Caucasus-Russia: Legal and Illegal Migrations. The volume represents a collection of academic articles on one of the most crucial problems of the South Caucasus countries and the problem is Migration. The study dwells upon the status of migrants from the Caucasus in the Russian federation: their adaptation, employment, legal and social status, acceptance by the receiving society, further migration plans. The papers for this volume were written by prominent Russian social scientist based on extensive opinion polls conducted in various regions of the Russian Federation.
  • From Political Rallies to Conventions: Political and Legal Aspects of Protecting the Rights of the Armenian Ethnic Minority in Georgia as Exemplified by the Samtskhe-Javakheti Region. The volume analyses the situation with human and minority rights in Georgia and suggests ways of integrating minorities in the social, political and cultural life of the country. The author looks at the legal framework for minority issues, focusing on Georgia’s international legal obligations and their political implementation practices. In a case study of the Armenian-populated region of Samtskhe-Javakheti, the author proposes mechanisms and recommendations for achieving a compromise between minorities’ needs to preserve their identity, language and culture, and to achieve factual political rights, on one hand, and their profound civil integration, on the other.
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