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Workshops on Communication and PR for Civil Servants in Artsakh

The project was about a series of trainings for Artsakh civil servants from the departments of Communication and PR focused on Communication and PR, editing in Armenian and English, policy analysis and analysis of social data. The project was aimed at boosting the English and Armenian language proficiency and developing editing skills of Artsakh civil servants, increasing their policy analysis capacity and teaching them how to handle sociological data and present it correctly.

In total, 4 trainings were conducted. Nina Iskandaryan and Alexander Iskandaryan held the first training in the library of the National Assembly of Artsakh on November 24-27, 2018. It was dedicated to writing and editing skills in English and political analysis, and attended by civil servants from the National Assembly, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh.

The second workshop, held at the Roots café on February 26-March 1, 2019, was dedicated to editing skills in Armenian and PR tools and social data analysis and presentation. The trainers were Ashkhen Grigoryan, Head of the Department of Democratic Institutions of the Security Council of Armenia, and Hrant Mikaelian, CI Research Fellow.

The third and the fourth trainings (in May and July) were different in terms of the format. Mark Grigoryan, a journalist, the Director of the National Museum-Institute of Architecture, visited the Ombudsman office, MFA, the parliament and Ministry of Tourism, worked with the staff on the ground.

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