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Research Papers

Political-Military Dimension of the Ukrainian Crisis: “Hybrid” Lessons for the Post-Soviet Space

HybridISBN 978-9939-1-0191-0

Sergey Minasyan

CI Research Papers # 6 – Yerevan, June 2015 – 71 p.
Author: Dr. Sergey Minasyan
Editor: Alexander Iskandaryan
Design and layout by Collage

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De-facto entities in the post-soviet space: 20 years of state-building


Sergey Markedonov

CI Research Papers # 5, January 2012 – Yerevan. CI, 2012. – 180 p.
Science editing by Alexander Iskandaryan
Editors: Nina Iskandaryan, Sergey Minasyan, Artashes Khachatryan
Design and layout by Collage

ISBN 978-99941-2-633-0

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An Assessment of Research Capacities in Social Sciences and Humanities in Armenia


ISBN 978-99941-2-511-1

CI Research Papers # 4 – Yerevan, February 2011 – 48 p.
Lead Researcher: Dr. Sergey Minasyan
Research Coordinator: Nina Iskandaryan
Editors: Alexander Iskandaryan and Denis Dafflon
Researchers and Interviewers: Angelina Harutyunyan, Johnny Melikyan, Arsahluys Mghdesyan, Hrant Mikaelyan
Design and layout by Collage

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Nagorno-Karabakh: the paradoxes of strength and weakness in an asymmetric conflict


ISBN 978-99941-2-536-4

Deriglazova Larisa and Sergey Minasyan

CI Research Papers, #3, June 2011, – Yerevan: CI, 2011 – 104 p.
Science editing by Alexander Iskandaryan
English version science editing by Richard Giragosyan
Translation by Vitaly Kisin
Language editing by Nina Iskandaryan
Design and layout by Collage

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Women in Local Administration in Armenia

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Author: Hrant Mikaelyan
Research team: Ella Karagulyan, Zara Harutyunyan, Margarita Zakaryan
Project Coordinator: Nina Iskandaryan
Date published: December 2011

The project is a sociological study of the involvement of women in local administration in Armenia which aims to identify incentives for and impediments to greater involvement of women in the system of local administration and evening out of gender misbalances in this sphere.


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Presentation (in Armenian)

The Economy of the Countries in the South Caucasus during the Global Crisis


Authors: Harutyun Khachatryan, Hrant Mikaelyan
Date published: July 2011

The goal of the study was to reveal the peculiarities of the global crisis in internationally recognized countries of the South Caucasus: Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the era of globalization none of these countries could avoid the negative influence of the crisis. The study shows the consequences of the crisis for each country separately.

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Nagorno-Karabakh after two decades of conflict: is prolongation of the status quo inevitable?


ISBN 978-99941-2-512-8

Sergey Minasyan

CI Research Papers, #2, August 2010. – Yerevan: CI – 67 p.
Scientific Editor: Alexander Iskandaryan
Translation from Russian: Vitaly Kisin
Russian and English versions editor: Nina Iskandaryan
English version scientific editor: Richard Giragosian
Design and layout by Collage

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Media Environment and Attitudes to Media in Armenia

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Authors: Evelina Gyulkhandanyan and Nina Iskandaryan
Research Team: Luisa Galanteryan, Arshaluys Mghdesyan, Ani Haroutyunyan (data collection), Hrant Mikaelyan (data processing and analysis)
Date published: March 2010

“Media Environment and Attitudes to Media in Armenia” is a sociological study. Its aim was to research the environment in which Armenian mass media operate and the factors that influence audience perceptions of mass media, media professionalism and the ability of the media to fulfill their social functions.

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Pragmatic Policies vs. Historical Constraints: Analyzing Armenia-Turkey relations 


ISBN 978-99941-2-340-7

Alexander Iskandaryan, Sergey Minasyan

CI Research Papers, #1, January 2010 – Yerevan: CI, 2010 – 48 p.
Translated by Nina Iskandaryan
Design and layout by Collage

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2007_From-rallies-to-conventionsFrom Political Rallies to Conventions

Political and Legal Aspects of Protecting the Rights of the Armenian Ethnic Minority in Georgia as Exemplified by the Samtskhe-Javakheti Region. Sergey Minasyan, Yerevan, CMI and ‘Yerkir’ NGO Union, 2007, 92p. Edited by Hranush Kharatyan, Nina Iskandaryan, Robert Tatoyan. Science editor: Alexander Iskandaryan. Translation from Russian: Vitaliy Kisin. English version editor: Nina Iskandaryan
Cover photo by Ruben Mangasaryan
Cover design by Matit
Printed by “Samark” LLC

ISBN 99941-2-058-1

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Foreign Aid to Post-Soviet Armenia

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Author: Harutyun Khachatryan, Ashot Khachatryan
Date published: Yerevan 2003

This paper analyses the nature and character of the humanitarian aid to post-Soviet Armenia. The goal of the study is to draw the qualitative and quantitative picture of the humanitarian aid to Armenia. Particularly, it aims at introducing the main donors, the specifics of Armenia as a recipient, as well as the role of the aid in the life of Armenia.

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