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Other books

Prospects for Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh: International and Domestic Perspectives

Caucasus Institute. 2018. – 156 p.
Edited by Alexander Iskandaryan
Copy editing and translations by Liana Avetisyan, Nina Iskandaryan, Armine Sahakyan, Lily Woodall

Cover photo by Vachagan Gratian
Cover design by Matit
Layout by Collage
ISBN 978-9939-1-0739-4

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Deterrence in the Karabakh Conflict 

By Sergey Minasyan

Edited by Alexander Iskandaryan, CI,

Yerevan, 2016. 276 p. Copy editing by Nina Iskandaryan

Cover design by Matit
Maps and text layout by Collage

ISBN 978-9939-1-0354-9



Shadow Economy in Armenia

Caucasus Institute 2016, 188 p.
Author:Shadow-economy.jpg Hrant Mikaelian
Edited by Alexander Iskandaryan

Cover design and Layout by Collage

ISBN 978-9939-1-0497-3

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WBP_cover_final-1-1-e1492673262579War, Business & Politics. Informal Networks and Formal Institutions in Armenia

Caucasus Institute 2016, 144 p.
Alexander Iskandaryan,
Sergey Minasyan,
Hrant Mikaelian

Edited by Nina Iskandaryan
Copy editing by AJE

Cover design by Matit
Layout by Collage

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Book Cover_The unrecognized politics2The unrecognised politics of de facto states in the post-Soviet space

Caucasus Institute and International Association for the
Study of the Caucasus. 2015. – 240 p.

Edited by Laurence Broers, Alexander Iskandaryan and Sergey Minasyan
Cover design by Matit
Layout by Collage

ISBN 978-9939-1-0260-3

Download the whole book (available in English)

Screenshot 2014-09-19 12.59.25Armenia’s Foreign and Domestic Politics: Development Trends

Caucasus Institute and Aleksanteri Institute, 2013, 92 p.
Edited by Mikko Palonkorpi and Alexander Iskandaryan
Copy editing by Richard Giragosian and Nina Iskandaryan
Translations by Nina Iskandaryan

Cover design by Matit
Layout by Collage

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Democracies in Danger

Edited by Alfred Stepan, Armenian translation, Yerevan, CI, 2011 – 272 p.
Translation by Hrachya Tadevyan
Edited by Armine Petrosyan, Levon Galstyan
Science editor: Vahan Ter-Ghevondyan
Proof-reading: Margarita Ghazaryan

Layout by Collage

ISBN 978-99941-2-468-8

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2011_Identities_institutions_1Identities, Ideologies and Institutions. A Decade of Insight into the Caucasus: 2001-2011

Edited by A. Iskandaryan, CI, Yerevan, 2011– 232 p. (in English).
Copy editing by Richard Giragosyan, Nina Iskandaryan,

Cover design by Matit
Text layout by Collage

ISBN 978-99941-2-583-8

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Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation։ Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe

Juan J. Linz and A. Stepan, Armenian Translation, Yerevan, CI, 2011, 620p. Translation by A. Ghasabyan, H. Tadevyan. Edited by A. Petrosyan, L. Galstyan. Science editor: V. Ter-Ghevondyan. Consultant: A. Markarov. Proof-reading: M. Ghazaryan
Cover design by Matit
Layout by Collage

ISBN 978 -99941-2-469-5

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Armenian-DiasporaArmenian Diaspora: Essays on Sociocultural Typology

By Viktor Dyatlov, Eduard Melkonian

Edited by Alexander Iskandaryan, CI, Yerevan, 2009 – 207 p
Copy editing by Nina Iskandaryan and Sergey Minasyan

Cover design by Matit
Layout by Collage

ISBN 978-99941-2-321-6

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cauc Caucasus Neighborhood: Turkey and the South Caucasus

Caucasus Institute. 2008. – 146 p.
Edited by Alexander Iskandaryan
Editorial team: Nina Iskandaryan, Sergey Minasyan, Vitaly Kisin
Cover photo by Inna Mkhitaryan

Cover design by Matit
Layout by Collage
ISBN 978-99941-2-220-2

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2005_Diaspora-oil-and-roses_1Diaspora, Oil and Roses. How the South Caucasus Countries Live

Edited by Ivlian Haindrava, Alexander Iskandaryan, CMI, Yerevan, 2005– 214 p. (in Russian)

Copy editing by Nina Iskandaryan,

Cover design by Matit
Text layout by Collage
ISBN 9930-78-74-3

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2005_Post-Sovetskie-SMI_1Post-Soviet Media. From Propaganda to Journalism

Ed. Nina Iskandaryan, CMI, Yerevan, 2005– 192 p. (in Russian)

Cover design by Matit
Text layout by Collage

ISBN 99941-2-014-x

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Download articles (available only in Russian)”

  • Viken Cheteryan. The Controversial Role of Post-Soviet Media
  • Marina Muskhelishvili. Independent but Not Liberal: Mass Communication Media and the Particularistic Social Context
  • Diana Shmidt. New Media – New Opportunities – Old Challenges. ITCs and NGOs in Contemporary Russia
  • Lucie Hribal. Does Private Media Ownership Guarantee Media Freedom?
  • Remzi Lani. Media in the Balkans: the difficult Road to Independence
  • Sergey Bondarenko. Radio and Radio Roadcast Networks in Post-Soviet Media (Main Vectors of Development)
  • Ruben Meloyan. Ways of Independent Media Formation in Armenia
  • Aleksey Sukhov. The Press of South Kyrgyzstan: Issues of Journalism Education
  • Alfia Kharchenko. The Media of Uzbekistan: Myths and Factors
  • Irina Kostrichenko. Influence of the «Paid Article» Technique on the Decline of Print Press in the Republic of Moldova
  • Mariam Durdieva. Regarding the Condition of Media in States with Totalitarian Regimes (the Case of Turkmenistan)
  • Aleksey Khamagaev. Ideology of National Independence and Media in Uzbekistan
  • Irada Guseynova. Media of Azerbaijan on the Eve of Elections


2004_Kavkaz-Rossia-migracia_1Caucasus – Russia: Legal and Illegal Migration

Ed. А. Iskandaryan, CMI, Yerevan, 2004– 160 p. (in Russian)

Cover design by Matit

ISBN 99930-78-37-9

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2004_Religia-i-politika_1Religion and Politics in the Caucasus

Ed. А. Iskandaryan, CMI, Yerevan, 2004– 120 p. (in Russian)

Cover design by Matit

ISBN 99930-78-42-5

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2002_Post-Soviet-South-CaucasusLittle Wars and a Great Game

Author – Vicken Cheterian

Addressed primarily to journalists, the monograph offers a general profile of post-Soviet
conflicts in the North and South Caucasus.

Foreword and general editing by Alexander Iskandarian, СMI, Yerevan, Printinfo, 2003 (in Russian)
Russian translation by Alida Gonchegulian
Appendices by Gagik Avagian, Zara Amatuni, Ashot Muradian, Ruben Meloyan
Design by David Hakobyan
Language editing by Nina Iskandarian

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2002_Post-Soviet-South-CaucasusThe Post-Soviet South Caucasus

Social science bibliography and analytical reviews Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, 1991-2001
Edited by А. Iskandaryan, CMI, Moscow, 2002 – 139 p. (in Russian)
By Dina Malysheva, Samvel Manukyan, Marina Muskhelishvili, Arif Yunusov
Cover design by David Hakobyan
Photo by Rouben Mangasaryan

ISBN 5-94398-007-5

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