31/4 Charents St, Yerevan 0025
(010) 540631

Gender Research

Gender mainstreaming is still a challenge in Armenia; although the country has made international commitments, adopted national and marz-level plans and established bodies and offices responsible for gender-sensitive planning, implementation on local level remains weak. The projects implemented by the CI are mostly based on the low capacity of local authorities in Armenia to incorporate gender issues into local planning. The CI has initiated the following gender-related projects:

  • “Creating tools and skills for gender mainstreaming at local level”, (2012-2013), The overall goal of the project was to enable gender-responsive local development planning in Armenia. The project elaborated a manual for training local stakeholders in gender-sensitive planning, train a core group of trainers(chiefly members of marz-level gender commissions and CSO) to use the manual based on supplementary teaching module, and train local government officials to include GAPs in their yearly plans and CSO, to contribute to this process.
  • “Women engagement in Local Government in Armenia: Assessing Current Trends and Elaborating Strategies”, 2011. The idea of research project was that by identifying and analyzing past and current trends, the particular types of individuals who are more likely to engage, and the situations that make women’s engagement in local communities more likely, we could elaborate a strategy for capacity building, which could be used by various bodies and actors. The results of research were disseminated widely through the media, CSO and international organizations as well as policy recommendations were presented to policy-makers.
  • Media Monitoring on gender issues were done by the member of CI starting from 2012 by analyzing newspapers, online media, TV news and talk shows. The main questions of the research were to analyze the discourse on gender equality law as well as to establish if there is gender inequity in media coverage in general and research the main reasons. 
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