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Online course

South Caucasus: Politics in times of crisis

“South Caucasus: Politics in times of crisis” is an online course set up by the Caucasus Institute in the framework of a project implemented with the financial support of the Embassy of Switzerland in Armenia. It is a series of lectures about the politics in the South Caucasus in times of the COVID-19 pandemic aimed at building a capacity for policy analysis.

The course is tailored for Armenian youth. The lectures and the reading materials are to help understand and interpret the changing political realities in times of crisis, get an alternative viewpoint and a valuable set of up-to-date information.

Lecture 1

Lecturer: Georgi Derluguian, Professor of Social Research and Public Policy at New York University Abu Dhabi

Topic - The Three Shocking Possibilities: Revolution, Involution, Extinction

Language - English

Lecture 1 Reading materials

  • Books
  • Links
  • Articles
  1. William H. McNeill "Plagues and Peoples".  Recommended parts: Preface, Introduction,  Chapters IV, V.  
  1. Георгий Дерлугьян "Кризисы неовотчинного правления". ЛОГОС. Философско-литературный журнал
    №5 2006

Lecture 2

Lecturer: Alexander Iskandaryan, Political Scientist, Director of the Caucasus Institute, Yerevan

Topic - Political impact of the COVID pandemic on the countries of the South Caucasus

Language - Russian

Lecture 3

Lecturer: Hrant Mikayelyan, Demographer and Economist, Senior Researcher at the Caucasus Institute, Yerevan

Topic - Economic impact of the pandemic on the countries of the South Caucasus

Language - Armenian

Lecture 4

Lecturer: Marina Muskhelishvili, Professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Topic - The rally-around-the-flag effect in Georgia

Language - English

Lecture 4 Reading Materials

Lecture 5

Lecturer: Edgar Elbakyan, Junior Fellow at the Scientific-Research Laboratory of Strategic Research, Yerevan State University

Topic - Azerbaijan in the times of crisis

Language - Armenian

Lecture 6

Lecturer: Gor Petrosyan, Political Scientist, Researcher at Caucasus Institute, Yerevan

Topic - Armenia’s stalled reform agenda and crisis management in time of pandemic

Language - Armenian

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