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Transition Experience Exchange between Romania and Armenia Programme

Project description

The project was a joint initative of the Caucasus Institute (Armenia) and Expert Forum (EFOR, Romania) to empower public officials, academics, researchers and journalists to cope with domestic issues that are common in the post-communist states. The project was based on experience exchange through the exploration of the Romanian best practices, discourses concerning the political transitions in Romania, formats, processes and outcomes of national policies concerning the solutions to the needs, participation and integration of ethnic and minority groups in Romania.

Within the project framework, a study visit of the Armenian delegation to Romania took place in May-June 2019, envisaged as a series of discussions and meetings of the media, political and academic counterparts from Romania and Armenia. The field visit was meant to foster the knowledge and practices of the national politics. In the aftermath of the visit, the delegation representatives, as leaders in their fields, produced briefs, articles, policy deliverables, thus sharing the knowledge received in Romania with colleagues at public offices, media outlets, academic establishment, etc.

The Caucasus Institute has verified experience of exchanges between multidisciplinary expert teams. The selection of the country was based on the common historical, cultural and political practices of Armenia and Romania. The Experts Forum is an experienced organization which was the hosting organization to organize and conduct the curriculum.

Goal/Objectives: The goal of the project was to broaden the empirical knowledge and develop the political skills in management of the democratic processes in the Republic of Armenia.

The project pursued the following objectives:

1. To broaden the empirical knowledge and skills among Armenian politicians, journalists, and analysts through learning from Romanian best practices.

2. To build the capacities of the Armenian public officials, journalists, and analysts through a study visit to Romania for experience sharing with Romanian counterparts.

3. To disseminate the Romanian practices among the Armenian networks of politicians, policy makers, researchers and journalists through roundtable events.

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