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(010) 540631

Study of Cultural and Creative Industries

In April-September 2018, the CI conducted a study of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) in Armenia within the framework of “Support to SME Development in Armenia (EU-SMEDA)’’ project, co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ’s Private Sector Development in South Caucasus Programme. SMEDA is part of the EU4Business and EU4Innovation initiatives of the European Union.

The study focused on five subsectors of CCI: 

1. Film production

2. Marketing and advertising

3. Games and software production

4. Fashion and Design

5. Music

In addition to open data collection and analysis of statistical data, the study involved around 50 interviews and 3 workshops in three Armenian cities, Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor with the participation of the main stakeholders in the fields.

The research consisted of four parts:

  • mapping of the primary and secondary stakeholders in the field and the ties existing between them;
  • value chain for each sub-sector, including assessment of the human and economic capacity and potential of the five subsectors;
  • SWOT analysis of the five CCI subsectors,
  • and recommendations for each subsector and region in particular, and for Armenia’s CCI in general (see the infographics). 
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