31/4 Charents St, Yerevan 0025
(010) 540631

Armenian-Georgian Expert Forum

The project was about a series of thematic workshops, meetings and conferences aimed at shaping a permanent format for cooperation among Armenian and Georgian experts, analysts and scholars. The format implied exchange of information on developments in socioeconomic and political life in the two countries, analysis of the developments and elaboration of recommendations. For several consecutive years the project was implemented by the Caucasus Institute and its Georgian partners, including the Institute for the Study of Nationalism and Conflicts, and the Republican Institute of Georgia. All the project events were held under the Chatham House Rule. The project was supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.

5th Workshop, 18.10.2016
6th Workshop, 17-19.11.2017
7th Workshop, 20-21.09.2017

Topics: the current status of the civil society and its further development, implementation of domestic policies, and the status of ethnic and religious minorities in both countries

Topic: electoral processes and constitutional reforms in the two countries
Topic: overview of a quarter-century of Armenia-Georgia cooperation

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