31/4 Charents St, Yerevan 0025
(010) 540631

Capacity Building for Policy Debate in Armenia

Project Name: Building Capacity for Policy Debate in Armenia

Funded by: European Commission

Project period: March 2009 – June 2011

The main objective of the project was to enable pluralistic informed policy debate in Armenia. The more specific goal was to strengthen capacity of civil society actors to engage in policy debate and analysis and to make an impact on decision-makers.

The goal has been achieved through the following activities: training, seminars for young civil society activists (about 40 meetings per year), background research on 5-6 policy issues, roundtable discussion and policy recommendations on each researched topic, which were prepared and handed over to relevant decision-makers (government/parliament). Moreover, the annual conference was organized to debate the overall situation in Armenia and the region in the sphere of democratic reform, human rights and development engaging 100+ participants from civil society, international organizations, government, the expert community and the news media . Each annual conference resulted in the publication of research outcomes.

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